Netflix On Command

A gore scene in a movie may be appealing to my friend whereas I might want it to be toned down a bit. Theatres can't help it, but Netflix can.

In India, movie outing has traditionally been the go-to thing on the weekends. Watching a movie together makes people feel connected. Netflix is all set to divide this group.

A Netflix movie named Black Mirror: Bandersnatch lets people choose the experience they want. It makes them feel they are in control by allowing them to decide the actions of the protagonist with the click of a button.

In a world, where data is termed the new oil, this could work wonders for Netflix.

Previously, Netflix knew if the film as a whole is doing good, but now they'd know which scenes are preferred by movie-watchers and make movies accordingly.

Games made a big jump when interactive content was introduced to make people feel empowered. Netflix could well be on a similar trajectory.

The possibilities are endless.

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